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Self-Build Certification

For DIY Builders

Our Self-Build Certification Program is built to fit an Individual Build, We have created an efficient program that is easy to follow and understand, taking you step-by-step through your build. After submitting photo or video documentation of your build's checkpoints and you complete it with full compliance, we will send you a Certification Letter and Certification Insignia for your unit. There are never any "member" or ongoing fees, as we are not an Industry Association.


What you get:


  • 30 years experience in the RV quality assurance industry 

  • Applicable codes you will need, to assure quality compliance

  • Checklist for your build, gated into four "checkpoints"

  • Unlimited Phone and Email consulting for any questions you may have

  • Letter of Certification upon completion

  • Certification Insignia upon completion​

Manufacturer Certification

Quality Assurance for Your Facility

Our Manufacturer Certification Program works much like our Self-Build Program. We will help you establish a Quality Control Program for your facility. We can help you with your designs, and the development of your test documentation and production. 


What you get:


  • Initial evaluation of your Facility, including test equipment and operation

  • Initial Certification of Facility

  • Annual Facility Inspections, 1 per year, up to 4.

  • Establishment of a Quality Control Program

  • Design Approval Evaluation to applicable codes, if needed

  • Unlimited Phone and Email consultations

  • Certification Insignias and Letters for each unit you build, upon completion




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